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Brazilian author and spiritual channeler

Named as one of the 10 Best Brazilian Authors by 'High Profile Magazine' Last year

Book cover - Shameful Times  by Author Vera Lucia Lima
Book cover - Shameful Times  by Author Vera Lucia Lima
Book cover - Lua Branca by Author Vera Lucia Lima
Book cover - Lua Branca by Author Vera Lucia Lima


Vera Lucia Lima is a Brazilian author and spiritual channeler. She recounts transcendent dreams revealed during a

one-and-a-half-year journey that weave stories of family secrets, betrayal, and the triumph of love. Her highest purpose is to live a sacred life connecting to the Divine through love and nature, fulfilling a life of service.

Vera’s books have powerful spiritual messages which fascinate and reward readers with spirituality and love.

Member of the Australian Society of Authors and Australian Writer’s Guild.

Vera Lucia Lima was named one of the 10 Best Brazilian Authors by 'High Profile Magazine' last year.

Headshot of author Vera Lucia Lima
Vera Nomeada a melhor escritora

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Pink Sky

Love, murder, scandal, and buried truths… delve into the hidden history in this gripping secret of death and the Afterlife.


 Este romance psicografado e canalizado conta a história mágica de Lua Branca, filha de um Xamã e líder da tribo Cherokee.

Paperback covers in 3D of Lua Branca by author Vera Lucia Lima


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